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Photo ID

Please tell me about the photo requirements.

  • The photo should measure 3.5cm × 4.5cm.

  • Photos must have been taken within the last 6 months.

  • Photos must have a white background.

  • The applicant must be facing the camera directly.

  • No sunglasses, hats, or white-colored clothing should be worn.

  • Previous photos used for passport or residence card applications cannot be reused.

  • Photo Standards for Religious Attire.

    • Head coverings (such as Hijab, Veil, Turban, etc.) are allowed for religious purposes under the following conditions:
    • Facial features should be visible from the bottom of the chin to the top of the forehead.
    • The full face should be visible without any shadows.
    • The full face, including eyebrows, eyes, nose, and mouth, must not be covered, although covering ears is permitted.

Where can I take my ID photos?

You can obtain the required size (3.5cm × 4.5cm) at the photo studio near your university.

Note: Photos directly taken using a mobile phone is not accepted