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Cancelation, Refund, and Modifying Reservation

Where can I find the cancellation/refund policy and process?

You can check the guest policy at the link below! Please make sure to check before making a reservation.

How long does the refund take?

It takes about 10 business days usually.

However, it can take more time depending on to the bank and card.

Is there a free cancellation period?

  • Within 7 days after payment and 61 days prior to move-in.

  • Within 24 hours after payment and within 60 days prior to move-in.

Can I cancel my reservation myself

Yes, it is possible.

Reservation extensions can be done as follows:

  1. Log in to Enkor Stay.

  2. Go to My Account and select My Bookings > Stays

  3. Click View details button under Stays to proceed.

  4. Click Booking cancellation

Based on the existing reservation schedule and cancellation attempt date, penalties will be imposed before cancellation, and the remaining amount will be automatically refunded.

If you are wondering about the cancellation policy, Please read Enkor's guest policy below.

I want to modify my reservation

Before requesting a reservation change, please check the Enkor Guest Policy

After you have reviewed our regulations, please compose a message following the template below and contact the Enkor CX Team!

Request for reservation change


Branch(location with room number):

Original booking period:

Desired reservation period to change:

Request date: